Friday, April 15, 2011

Done by Noon

Today was not a day of self-control. I had a research celebration that I was judging for work. I ate a decent breakfast and headed in and started work. Then.

Ooooh. There's a table of fruit and cookies in the poster room! Oooooh! I'll have mostly fruit. Just one cookie. I visit with a student for awhile, then go finish up my judging. Go back to the table for a coffee refill and some more fruit. And. Oooooh. That chocolate cookie looks even better than the M&M one I had. I'll just have one more. I'll be good the rest of the day.

Then I go to the coffee shop on the way back to the office (hey--I was supporting local business! I'm a good citizen! It has nothing to do with a coffee addiction, I swear). The guy ahead of me orders some of the black bean soup. Holy crap. That looks amazing. I'll just have a cup. The cup comes with bread and chips. Do I leave those alone, given that I ate two cookies? Nope. Eat it all.

Then I go to the co-op for eggs. Oooooh. They have my low-fat scones here. Mmmmmmm.

So there you have how I used all my points before 3pm.

That's awesome. I ate a few days worth of sugar in about four hours.

So tonight for dinner it was asparagus and a spinach salad with just a teaspoon of olive oil in the homemade vinaigrette for a point. I have spare weekly points to go over, so it's no big deal, but dang. I'm not sure what was behind the binge there, but at least I put the brakes on tonight, I guess.

We all have days like that, but it's nice to know you can make decisions that minimize the damage by the end of the day instead of waiting till you gain 20 pounds to stop it, right? We're all in control of our bad decisions--I knew what I was doing as I was doing it--but at least we're also in control of our good ones.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Weight Watchers Leadership

Hey! So I got home from a conference to find an information packet for my training as a Weight Watchers employee. How awesome. Good way to start a new week, to say the least. I'm excited about this opportunity to help others succeed on the plan, and to continue to help myself stay on the plan.

The conference challenged my diet, for sure, but I did always have healthy snacks available in my room when I needed a snack that wouldn't cause too much point problems. I always take healthy granola bars, fruit (including some of those individual plastic containers with the fruit in its own juices, not sweetened), healthy nuts, healthy cereal. This time I also took some white cheddar rice cakes that were a nice salty snack for one point. I got caramel ones, too, for sweet cravings. I also had Special K multigrain crackers. That sounds like a ton, I know, but in my defense I was gone for five days!

The other fun thing about the conference is that I walked into a panel presentation about getting tenure (beyond begging and pleading with the committee) and heard a lady mention WW. She was saying that it was working for her, even on the new PointsPlus program. Apparently she's heard people don't like it, but I hadn't heard much of that myself beyond the initial transition period. Anyway, I chimed in that I was on it, too, and had good luck. We had a fun chat about the way it has changed our decision patterns, etc. The only downside is that I was talking while eating a bagel with cream cheese. *snicker* 

I also managed to make use of the hotel's fitness facility a few times while I was there, which made me feel good.

But yeah. Things are going well. I have a feeling I have some water weight that I'll be dealing with for a couple of days, but I think I'm okay beyond that in the post-conference day. I am ready to be back on track fully and completely this week. It's asparagus and strawberry season, so I have good motivation.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

I'm back! I don't know where I went...

How is it possible that I haven't blogged in nearly two months? What a pity. I still think a lot about food, eating, and being healthy. So why not write about it? I don't know the answer. Maybe just laziness and stress. Probably that.

Anyway, lots has happened since February. I had a birthday, went to London, got a grant for research, went on anti-depressants (overshare), and just generally stayed afloat. The common theme for all those things (except the research grant) is this: weight-gain danger zones! I pretty much turned my birthday celebration into a month-long festival of indulgence. In London, I went full-on into candy and Guinness (mmmmmmmmmmmmm) and meat and grease. I did try to incorporate healthy stuff as well, and I walked approximately five-seven miles a day, but still. Yipes. By the end of the London trip, I was up about three-five pounds over the end of February.

But! When I got home from London, I decided it was time to get back on track, and that's exactly what I've done. I got home on the 20th, and since then I've been quite careful (with a few days' exceptions) in making good choices, cutting back on my points a little bit, and eating all my vegetables and fruits. And as of today, I'm right back down to my ideal weight! This was my first real experience with trying to lose since I hit my goal last summer, and I always wondered A) whether I would let myself slip too much before shifting into loss mode or B) whether I'd be able to lose again if I slipped.  The answer I now know is YES! I can get back on track before things get out of control, I can lose the weight, and continue to be healthy AND happy while doing it.

This also shows that I can have the occasional little period of silliness and not be doomed to a life of weight gain. I am not destined to be a slave to food. I can let my guard down a little and then put it right back up when I'm ready. And the best part is that I can feel excited about returning to healthy living. Because when I got home from London, the first thing I did the next day was go to the store to buy fresh produce. I was stoked to eat healthy again. Wowsers. That's not the old Dena.

So. There you go. It's possible to live my life to the fullest and experience the delicious wonders of food from time to time and then regain control. I am destined to a life of healthy weight because I choose to. I am in control...even when I don't exercise it every day!