Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Sources of Interest

Thought I'd start out by highlighting places on the Internet that have helped me, just to show I don't imagine myself as the inventor of healthy eating blogs. :) These sites are fun and easy--no recipe sites that call for crap you'd never have in your kitchen. No sites that insist you run for two hours a day or eat only leeks and drink only water.  Here they are:

SkinnyTaste: Wowy. My friend, Kristen, first pointed me to this site, and I've already used it a ton. It's filled with healthy recipes using everyday ingredients. When I was with my cousin in Minnesota, we tried several recipes and loved them all. I made ratatouille from here for some friends last week. It gives you all you need to know, including your Weight Watchers points per serving. Love it.

Hungry Girl: This one I got from another friend, Lynette. It's worth subscribing to her email newsletter. Each day has fun information on restaurants, making bad foods healthier, etc. Also includes Weight Watchers points info. My only caveat for this site is that she focuses a lot on processed foods and artificial sweeteners, which I am working hard to cut back on. Ideally, she'd bump up her whole foods promotion, but it's her site...she can do whatever she wants! :)  And what she does is great.

Snack Girl: Pretty similar in name, but Snack Girl focuses more on avoiding processed/artificial foods. She's kind of on a mission to illuminate how fake our diets are, and I kind of dig that. I'm new to this site, but I've liked it so far.

Michael Pollan's site: Michael Pollan wrote The Omnivore's Dilemma, which I found fascinating. His site has up-to-date information on food in modern society. He's one of those rare people who is reasoned and rational in his approach to social issues.

There are the four most popular sites on my Bookmark List. I would love to hear what your favorites are! Let me know in a comment or email and I'll make sure they get some attention. Tomorrow, I'll write something more specific to my own process.



  1. Very helpful, Dena! Also--do you have any good links for sites that list point values for all kinds of foods (restaurants or otherwise?). Or is that all kept through the WW site? Thanks!

  2. Hey, Karen--I don't know of an ideal site for that. I just use my eTools from WW itself. This site has the algebraic formula, though. You could use it and create a list of your common ones to refer to, and then plug in whatever rarer foods you eat as you go:

  3. Here is one I read every day:

    Another good one:

    And another good one for recipes:
