Friday, October 15, 2010

Squash Cooking Alert!

Oh, man, oh man. What would I do without the Internet? I was looking at my yahoo mail, and saw that one of this week's question of the day on is about how to chop butternut squash more easily. I hate cutting spaghetti squash in half, so every time I look at the butternut squash on my counter, I sigh a little sigh. But with these squash chopping tips from HungryGirl, I can do it lickety split. (Hardy har har--get it? Split? Like I'll split the squash in half? Okay, fine. It's not that funny.) Unfortunately, the lunch tips she offers at the top of the post aren't very inspiring...but keep scrolling down for the good stuff.

You might notice that she also mentions butternut squash fries. I am soooo trying those. I love anything that reminds me of fries but aren't filled with calories. I've been sticking with my sweet potato fries/medallions for awhile, but it might be time for a change.

If you're not already following Snack Girl, you should. This morning she has a list of links she uses to stay healthy and inspired. They look pretty interesting, so I thought I'd pass those on. Yesterday, she had a great looking (and simple) recipe for banana pudding--might be a new breakfast idea.

Speaking of breakfast, I'm trying to focus on having more protein-friendly breakfasts to stay full longer. I have had a tendency to have whole grain dominant meals in the morning (bagel thin, cereal, oatmeal). Now, steel-cut oats have a fair amount of protein, but I wonder if it's not enough. I've tried eggs and yogurt so far, and I find I really am fuller longer, so I'm going to keep trying to have some very protein-rich items in each breakfast to make sure it's not a placebo effect. Any ideas to inspire me? Help!

Lastly, and speaking of steel-cut oats, I wanted to let you know that I tried adding maple syrup to my oatmeal and blueberries to see if it was like blueberry pancakes. I had some leftover bulgur, so I used that instead of oats, but otherwise it was the same--and it was delicious! I added a tablespoon, which I actually found to be a little too much, so with the last bit of bulgur that I had leftover, I tried it again the next day with a teaspoon. That was more to my liking--and half the calories, so a win-win. Pure maple syrup is still a calorie-dense, sugary mess, but it's better than adding straight sugar or artificial sweeteners, right? And it's also just a nice change of pace from normal sweetener flavors.

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