Monday, September 13, 2010

Breakfast to go...but still homemade

Week two of the semester began today, and so far it's gone great! Students are settling in, laughing at my jokes. I've averted a few embarrassing incidents (fly down, tripping, etc.). Groovetastic.

And today I've been a healthy little girl, so that's great, too. I made black bean brownies yesterday and took some to friends at work who raved about them. I even ate one myself and discovered they are even more awesome straight out of the should try it! I'm going to put the pan in there tonight. I think they'll also keep a bit longer that way, so I don't have to schnarf them so fast (not that I'd mind schnarfing).

I'm writing you while eating stir fry. Healthy dinner. Oh, yeah. With teriyaki sauce (wasabi teriyaki sauce, even. YUM), vegetables and brown rice, we're talking about five points for dinner. Very doable. And very delicious and filling! So, be good and eat your veg with me! :)

The one thing about the semester that's throwing me off a bit is breakfast. I'm really discovering how important a solid breakfast is in keeping me going all day. I used to get by with a little bit, but then I was always snacking on crap all afternoon. I can snack on healthy stuff in the afternoon, but it's just easier and less tempting if I start the day with the right stuff. I already get up plenty early to be out the door at a reasonable time, so I don't want to spend a lot of time making something big and substantial for breakfast. Easy stuff is often bad for you, though. I'm getting a little tired already of bagel thins with jam, pumpkin or peanut butter. I need ideas.

Fortunately, I've found a few that I'm planning to try this week.  Here's the scoop so you can try them with me:

1) Overnight oats. There are a couple of options to try here in order to get my nutritious steel-cut oats in without waiting the 25 minutes in the morning. I somehow ended up at a new blog called The Actor's Diet and found a recipe for making them before bed and waking up to them ready to eat! It sounds like she might eat them cold, but I might try warming it up in the microwave...not sure till I try it. I don't know what kamut flakes are, but I figure who cares. It will work the same with just oats alone. 

Then a friend sent me another recipe for overnight oats that might work, too, though it does still require some work in the morning...just less than normal. Sounds delicious. Reading these reminds me that I need to be more adventurous with my fruit and nut toppings with the oatmeal. I too often really on blueberries. Silly me.

2) Then through that site, I ended up at another site (ah, the Internet) that promises a healthy and tasty breakfast cookie! You can make it at night and let the oats soften overnight till you're ready to eat it in the morning. It looks like it might make more than one day's breakfast, so that's even better! According to my WW calculator, the whole thing is 11 points, and I get 25 in a day, sooooo....I think I'll eat half, which is only 5 pts. Judging by the pics, that should be a substantial bit of food.

3) Then, back to The Actor's Diet, I found a breakfast pudding that sounds easy and nutritious. You could use any instant oatmeal (preferably one that doesn't have extra junk in it--just plain, healthy oats) instead of the brand she recommends. You could also just add fruit and some almonds. I think this is my most likely first attempt at fast, healthy breakfast. I'll add either blueberries or raspberries, I think. Then some almonds. Back to my old, predictable routine. Ha!

Speaking of almonds, you should try cocoa roasted almonds as a healthy (in moderation) snack. A friend told me about them awhile back, and I have been meaning to try them ever since. Well. Let's just say I now own a big old tub of them. The first of many. They are a great way to get a chocolate taste with all the benefits of the healthy nutrients in almonds! Let's also just say that the healthy fat in the almonds helped me....uh....overcome some digestion back-up issues. So there you go. Chocolate + pooping = Happy Dena.  I was searching for the link to Emerald brand, which is what mine are, and I found a recipe for making them at home. So if that suits your fancy, knock yourself out! I'm a full advocate of DIY healthy eating!

4) Back from that tangent, the last thing that I think I'll try--and honestly, this may have been how the whole breakfast internet search began--is this overnight pancake from Snack Girl! It's all stuff I tend to have around the house anyway, so I will definitely make this one a regular, I'm sure. I just need milk right now. I realized this morning after pouring it into my coffee that it's starting to turn. Gross. But I still drank the coffee. Nothing comes between Dena and her a.m. coffee.

So, now that I've thought through all my options, I need to get off my duff and buy my breakfast supplies! I'll report in on the successes as I experience them. Let me know if you try them, too!

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