Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Mo' Pumpkin, Mo' Bettah

Last night, I was yearning for a nighttime snack, but I didn't want to have anything too caloric. What to do? What to do? I opened the fridge and saw that container full of pumpkin that I had opened for my oatmeal last week. I thought about how that would go bad if I didn't find other uses for it. I didn't have the stuff to try that modified Snack Girl recipe from yesterday.

But I did have English muffins (the 1pt kind, no less). I wondered what that pumpkin would be like as a toast spread. So, of course, I tried it. I toasted the English muffin in the toaster oven, and got out the cinnamon and honey to sweeten the pumpkin (it's a little dull all on its own). Once the muffin was ready, I decided it was best to only try it on one half till I knew I liked it.  I slathered on a good amount of pumpkin, then sprinkled cinnamon and drizzled honey. Ate.


It's really good! It's kind of like a mini pumpkin pie, only not filled with calories.

I have a long day ahead, so I decided to treat myself by having it again for breakfast (on a bagel) and a peach. That's a 2pt breakfast that's delicious, healthy, and filling. Who could ask for more?

Another squash connection: A friend pointed me to a site with more spaghetti squash recipes. I hope to try these when I'm home some evening soon. If you try one, let me know how it goes.

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