Monday, September 6, 2010

Oopsy daisies.

It's possible I may have gone off the deep end when my parents were here: brats, ice cream, omelet, pancakes...

After lunch at Perkins today, I came home and looked up point values. Uh-huh. I ate more than a day's worth of points. In one meal. A very tasty meal, to be sure. So. Looks like vegetables for dinner!!

I realized as I was ordering that I was making poor decisions. (Pancakes with an omelet? Really, Dena? Really?) I did not realize just how bad, though, till I got home. They must inject each item with pure lard or something. I don't know. Stupid Perkins. It just highlights the importance of planning ahead and thinking things through...and assuming it's worse than you think it is.

Whatever. As I told my mom, I have not had a pancake since the spring, I've continued to lose weight slightly since hitting my goal so I have some wiggle room, and lastly I can't live my life being a nutritional angel every stinking day.

Not to mention that the miserable, overstuffed feeling I've been dealing with since I finished it (four hours ago) is sufficient punishment without the internal verbal abuse I could inflict upon myself.

So, onward and upward. Or downward in weight terms.

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