Wednesday, February 2, 2011

New Blog Alert

A FB friend posted a recipe for Sweet potato quinoa cakes, and word on the street is that they are delicious. I was going to try them tonight, but I got home and got lazy. And then on top of that, I realized my eggs are about to expire, so I decided to go the easy egg sandwich route (egg, Arnold's sandwich thin, Brummel and Brown, done). Problem solved.

Anyway, these sweet potato quinoa cakes. Yeah. I'm definitely going to try. It combines two of my favorite things and squishes them together in a patty. What's not to like?

So then, I was looking around the blog more generally, and it's filled with great recipes and thoughts on health food, so I'm adding it to my favorite blogs link on the right. I plan to be a regular visitor.

Honestly, I've felt so supremely lazy of late in terms of food. I have no energy to do anything, let alone innovate on food. Ugh.  But this recipe has me super stoked. I just bought some sweet potatoes at the store last night, so it's almost like it was meant to be.

Hey, though. While I'm rambling with no real purpose or organization, I should also mention that the Trader Joe's equivalent of Fiber One is pretty dang awesome. And cheaper than real Fiber One. The pieces are a lot thinner, but the taste is the same. I had some for breakfast with my beloved unsweetened vanilla almond milk and some blueberries. Win.

My brain is off tonight, so this nonsense is all you get. Be grateful, dang it.

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