Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Bad Week, Good Eats

Oh, boy. Another round of self-doubt and self-loathing. Yippee!!  But I'm really working hard on staying with the positives, not surrendering to the bad feelings, which will get me nowhere anyway, right? All that gets me is more bad feelings. So here I am, blogging about some of the health/food positives in my life. Because being healthy is something I ultimately control, even if I'm not always very good at controlling it.

The good news about this whacky week is that I've been on point target so far. I ate a few extra points on Monday, but otherwise, I'm right where I need to be. This is a great feeling. Tomorrow is my first book club meeting, where I know there will be wine and probably unhealthy food. I'm going to eat well all day, so I only go over target by a moderate amount. But I am going to be both restrained and forgiving. I can do it!

I mentioned in my last entry that a friend had some good ideas she's learned about. The idea is: PIZZA. We all go crazy for pizza, but it's so stinking unhealthy. I do my tortilla and English muffin kinds, but here's another one that sounds even better, quoted/paraphrased from my friend's note:

I take a Flat Out (Italian flavor) bread, and put it on a baking sheet. Bake it at 350 degrees for 5 minutes. Take it out and let it cool slightly. Add your pizza sauce. I used turkey sausage that is low in fat and Canadian bacon and the veggies that I like and 1/4 cup low-fat mozzarella. Return to oven for about 10 minutes. It averages about 5 to 7 points for the whole thing.

Amazing! The crust is two points (130 cals, with 3g fiber), the mozarella is 1.5 points, the sauce is 1 point per serving. That's 4.5 points. I would probably add mushrooms, peppers, and onions only (zero points), but I do love Canadian bacon, too, or maybe some ground chicken (2-3 points). No matter how you shake it, that is a lot of pizza for very few points! You could even make it into a kind of calzone, I bet.

My friend also recommends a lot of other recipes with the Flat Out bread. She used the original flavor bread and did the same with bbq sauce, canned chicken, red onion and low fat cheddar cheese.

I was at the co-op tonight and bought some Imagine Bistro corn chipotle bisque. It was amazing. A serving (1 cup) is 2 points. I found 3/4 cup to be plenty as a side dish, which was 1.5 points. 

I would love to have any of you let me know the great ideas you come up with, too. The more ideas the better. We all want to enjoy the great things you're enjoying.

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