Saturday, October 9, 2010

What I'm Doing Right

I've spent the past few posts whining about how hard it is, so I'm mixing it up. Here are diet/healthy things I've done right this week and right things I've got in the works.

1) I bought butternut squash and acorn squash! It was a super busy week, and I wasn't home to cook many elaborate meals, but they're on my shelf waiting for me to cook this weekend. I'm going to spend a little time searching for good recipes for them, in addition to the one I found earlier.

2) Additionally, I went to the grocery store and bought all kinds of healthy things, including items I haven't tried in awhile. Snack Girl had a post about cottage cheese snack ideas, so I think I'll try messing around with that this weekend, too. I like cottage cheese plain, but it will be fun to try new things.

3) I worked out every day this week, including two trips to the Y for yoga and pilates. I'm really digging pilates on Tuesday nights. It gets my heart rate up a tad, but more importantly the stretchy happy feeling it gives me is really rewarding. This is a reminder of how much I've grown over the last year.

4) Speaking of personal growth, I also agreed to do a thing at the Y next Feburary that requires me to complete an IronMan triathalon. Okay okay. So I get a month to complete it rather than a day, but still! The same friend offered it up last year and I said, "No way!!" It was too hard, too much of a commitment, too much everything. But this year I said yes without any hesitation! It was only after I said yes that I realized the amazing difference in my feelings about things.

5) I also agreed to join a team of friends who are going to do three 5Ks in December, January, and February! We're walking rather than running, but it's still pretty awesome and I'm excited to do the races and train with these friends. I'm also going to do my second Turkey Trot 5K through my university. That's in November, so that means four big races in four months! Again, the difference a year makes is astounding.

What all of this means is that I have lots to celebrate, even in the midst of all my fretting over my diet and social binges. As a pessimistic person, it is really easy for me to glam on to the negative things about my daily life. The fact that I have so many social opportunities is a blessing, but I focus on the bad part relating to my diet. Focusing on my diet so obsessively prevents me from seeing the big picture, which is that I am 60 pounds lighter than I was one year ago. I am excited about exercise and health in a way that seemed impossible before.

Keeping this in mind the past few days has really helped me stay happy and positive about everything. I went from "Egads! I can't eat anything at the party on Thursday because I'll ruin everything!" to, "I've been great all week about eating healthy, so I'm having a brat and dessert." Turns out, I totally overdid it, but I went home (stuffed and a little uncomfortable, frankly) still feeling okay about myself. Positive thinking is key to positive outcomes, right?

Right. I can do it. We all can! Weee!!

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