Thursday, December 9, 2010

Digging for Junk, Finding Gems

Here's another brief blog entry about the new WW system. I am coming to feel better and better about the new system. I was already eating fruits and vegetables, but with the new system, I'm doing so even more, which seems like a very good thing.

There's been more stress in my life, and I've really had to fight the urge to emotion eat. I've managed to keep it at bay, but boy can it be hard. The real benefit of my new lifestyle is that I don't really have anything in my fridge or cupboard that is terrible for me, so even when I'm as far gone down temptation road, I have few options that will truly derail me. And, living in Wisconsin, it's so bare-ass cold out that I'm nowhere near tempted to drive to the grocery store.

For example, the other night I needed something to calm my nerves, and I dug through my cupboards for something. I ended up with a kiwi because it was sweet. I inhaled that bad boy, felt better for having the sweet taste, and ended up stopping the cycle of crazy. The only other option I had was a three-point granola bar, so even that wouldn't have been the end of the world. That's very good motivation to be smart at the grocery store. I have to be very judicious about not allowing myself too many crazy treats because I'm currently not quite trustworthy with them.

The other fun thing is that while I was digging for an emotional feedbag I found a box of Cream of Wheat in the back of the corner cupboard. Mmmmm. Cream of Wheat. I used to eat this with milk and buttered toast. Thinking that over, I realized that was one heck of a high point breakfast. But it was mostly the toast that was so bad! Turns out Cream of Wheat is 3 pts per serving, which is low points for a very filling amount. I have eaten it now two mornings in a row with some blueberries and a teaspoon of maple syrup, both zero points. It is delicious!  I'm definitely going to return this to a place of prominence in my pantry.

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