Friday, August 20, 2010

Chocolate by any other calorie count would taste as sweet (amended)

First off, I wanted to let you know that I was very successful yesterday. Go. Freaking. Me. (BTW, I'm also learning to let myself be pleased with myself when I do something well instead of being dismissive of my accomplishments. That's actually harder than losing weight.) I got home from BWW, having had seven boneless wings, a salad, and a beer (mmmmm.....Hefeweisen) and was only ONE POINT over my 25 daily point allotment!!  That meant I had three more activity points to draw from, so I had some yogurt with a cut-up fresh peach and a tiny bit of granola for crunch. Healthy, low point but delicious dessert!

Okay, then I had a chocolate pudding cup just before bed. Oopsies. :)

Which leads me to today's posting. One thing people have asked me to do is to go to the grocery store with them, so they can see what I buy. Thought it might be interesting to make that list here, too. I am separating it out into several postings because they can't all be so dang long all the time. That chocolate pudding cup seems like a perfect place to begin.

My downfall has always been sweets, and chocolate most of all, of course. So I've had to find ways to keep this part of my life without going completely bonkers with fat and sugar. Here are some chocolate things that get me by. Now, I do try to watch how many artificially sweetened things I consume on a daily basis. It's probably not the best stuff in the world to be inhaling. But the reality is, a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do. And this girl's gotta have her chocolate. So, using the philosophy of "everything in moderation" ("including moderation." Sorry. Can't not finish the Oscar Wilde quote.), I get one of the following per day.

1) Obviously...chocolate pudding cups. Sugar-free Jello pudding cups are a must. They just are. One point of chocolatey goodness is just too good to pass up. Sometimes I add fresh strawberries because that's like those chocolate-covered strawberry appetizers you get at parties. So good.

2) Going along with that is Skinny Cow. Artificial? Yes. Just chocolate? No. But. Ice cream that makes my mouth happy? Yes. I get the ice cream sandwiches with vanilla and chocolate ice cream and chocolate cookies. Two points of ice cream that tastes exactly like the ones you get at Dairy Queen for 4.5 pts. Easy. The other day, sweet little baby Hope (3 months old) bought some for me with her mom. That's not the only reason I love her (and her mom), but it didn't hurt.

3) Blue Bunny Sweet Freedoms Fudge Lites. They use Truvia to sweeten, which is the new thing that's supposed to be so much better for you than other artificial sweeteners because it's "plant based." I dunno about that. But these are decent little treats. The serving size is two bars (1 pt), but I usually just have one (FREE!!) and make it work just fine.

4) No Pudge Fudge brownies--Oh, this'll do me every time. Hope's mom recommended this amazing wonder of wonders. It's all-natural (no artificial sweeteners, and I can recognize all ingredients as actual food items) and it is fantastic. You can make a whole pan, OR you can make a coffee mug brownie by mixing 3 tablespoons of the mix with 1.5 tablespoons of vanilla yogurt (of which more later). Mix it up and cook it in the microwave for a minute, and you have a brownie! I put frozen raspberries on top for fruity goodness, but you do as you choose. I've had plain and raspberry flavored ones, and I'll try the mint ones next time.

5) Any high-quality dark chocolate. I don't always have this on hand, but I have grown to love dark chocolate. It will never replace milk chocolate, but if you get a nice 70% or so dark, it still tastes sweet and chocolately but is a lot better for you. If you get a really expensive chocolate bar, you feel too guilty to eat it all at once and you find that you're satisfied with the a smaller amount because it's such an intense flavor. I swear it's true. I never believed them before, but I do now.

6) Black bean brownies. Like thick, rich brownies that are almost like fudge? If not, leave immediately. I don't trust you. If so, try this very weird recipe from SkinnyTaste. The guys at poker liked them, too. You would never guess they are made with black beans instead of oil and egg. They are low fat, high fiber, and have protein! That's good for me, especially since I've cut way down on meat. 

I think I'll keep on the snack food thing tomorrow, but shift to other sweet stuff of a healthier variety, then on to salty stuff. You're all anticipation, I know.

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