Thursday, August 26, 2010

Temptations and Realizations

Today was an all-day meeting for my job, and of course there were all kinds of sugary snacks available all day long. Not that I mind this, in theory, but it's days like this that make me realize my will power is far from powerful. I purposefully ate a very light and healthy breakfast so that I wouldn't be so hungry and grab a giant pastry. Mission accomplished there: I just had a small piece of fruity coffee cake. I even chose the smallest piece there! Go me!

Then at lunch there was meat or veg lasagna. I was leaning toward veg because I thought it would be healthier, but it was actually that super cheesy, alfredo kind, so I went with meat...there goes me ethical meat policy, sacrificed for my own waistline. Shameful. :)  I had lots of salad with it with fat-free raspberry vinaigrette (virtuous!), and only a little bit of garlic bread. Probably too much, though. Then I had a cookie for dessert. Not a huge one, but a cookie. I decided that would be it because I guessed that to be a total of about 15pts (of my daily 25...not to mention the cake earlier in the day). No matter what was on offer during the afternoon session, I wouldn't partake.

Then I saw that frosted sugar cookie. You know. That big one. With orange sprinkles. "Hmmm," I thought. "That sure does look good. I could take it and just eat half. Yes. That's perfectly acceptable."  So off I went, cookie and (artificially sweetened) Diet Mt. Dew in hand. I left it sit for awhile, thinking I would wait till tea time (3pm is a family standard). But then, boy. It sure started looking good. Did I want to eat my half now? "Well, you know, Dena," I said to myself. "You could just eat a little bit. Spread it out over the afternoon."  Oh, man, am I a rational so-and-so or what? *Nibble*

"Hm. That sure was good. Good thing I am pacing myself. And eating only half."

*Time lapse of five minutes.*

"Oh, one more little bite. I've earned it. Besides. I have to stay awake for the meeting."

*Five minutes*

"Gosh, this half is almost gone. Well, just eat it and be done with your half."

*Two minutes*

"You know, that cookie is going to get really crumbly in your bag. That's going to make a mess. Best just to eat it now with the coffee you just got up to get."


Followed by another (artificially sweetened) Diet Coke.

On the upside, I came home and biked for 40 minutes, and ate only a salad and veg for dinner. But wouldn't it just have been easier to behave myself? I'm not going to beat myself up about the calories because I can afford to have a little bit of an over-the-top day now and then, but I am going to have to reflect some more on my ability to make better decisions so I don't start rationalizing bad behavior every stinking time a cookie struts its sexy stuff before me.


  1. That is the EXACT discussion I had with the 15 dozen cookies sitting in my office for seminar this afternoon. And damned if one of those didn't just jump right out of the box and into my mouth.

    Bad cookie!!!!

  2. They are evil with their sugary goodness and their pretty colors. How on earth will there be enough people at a seminar to justify 15 dozen?!?
