Sunday, January 9, 2011

Paint Away the Pounds

I am remodeling my basement, and today was Paint Day, which was made far more tolerable and simple thanks to the kind assistance from a friend. I now have aqua walls with brown paneling, which is much cheerier than before. Now I just have to get the new carpet and some curtains before I can get everything put together.

That part has nothing to do with food, though. What does have to do with food is that I put "painting" into my WW tracker. It asked how long I did this activity. I put in four hours. I got 12 (!!) activity points. That totally makes up for the pad thai and wonton soup I had for dinner.

The moral of the story? Remodel your house. It's good for your waistline.

Now, excuse me as I go make a bedtime snack. I totally earned it!