Monday, January 3, 2011

Stepping On, Moving On

Got home last night, ate a small, sensible dinner and started the unpacking process. I have very mixed feelings about all of that. I very much enjoy being home with my family. My parents are now my friends, so I get a kick out of being a guest in their house. But at the same time, it's nice to be in my own space and not mooching off their good natures anymore. Plus, I am remodeling my basement over January, and I'm excited to get going on that. Yay!

Anyway. Having been gone for nearly two weeks means I haven't had access to my scale. Some people would say that's liberating and it's bad for one's health to weigh one's self every day. But I say they are wrong. I like weighing myself every morning. For me, it's just a nice, regular reminder of where I am and how far I've come. If my number goes up, I just think about what caused it and move on, knowing it will even out again so long as I'm good most days and bad only a few days per week.  Typically I can contribute a gain to water or...solid...retention issues. Ha! Weighing doesn't feel like an obsession to me. It's just a daily marker.

Not having that for two weeks was, I admit, a little unnerving. I had no idea how much damage all those cookies and other sweets were doing. I couldn't tell whether I was going to come home up two pounds or five. I felt like my jeans were a little tighter, but I also know I have a tendency toward paranoia. But as I posted before, I decided just to roll with it and enjoy myself. I was willing to pay the consequences and re-regulate when I got home.

Well. This morning was The Day. Accountability Day. I got up, peed (hey--that's extra weight!), took off my pajamas, and stepped on. Deep breath.  Look down. Tada!! I was up 1.5 pounds. That's NOTHING! Considering how frequently naughty I was, that is NOTHING.  And then, my scale measures water weight, and it said I'm 65% water. I'm usually around 56-58%. I'm sure it's probably not terribly accurate, but there's always a shift in the percentage when I've had too much wine or haven't had enough water, so I figure it's a decent rough guide to where I am. If that's the case, that means I'm probably up 1.5 pounds just in water. If I'm good about drinking water this week, I have a feeling I'll be no worse for the wear after the two weeks' indulgence.

How awesome is that? The risk, of course, is that I'll start more frequently justifying madness because I didn't have much damage, but I don't think that's a major concern. I'm actually excited to return to healthy eating this week. I'm already planning to go to the grocery store to buy fruit and vegetables. Hurrah!


  1. That is totally awesome but somehow, the other five pounds found their way to my house. Can you stop by and pick them up? :)

    Great job!!!!!

  2. I'm going to go ahead and let you keep it. :) But I'm sure you'll find a good way to be rid of it soon! Donate it, toss it!
